home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- !
- ! Asedit app-defaults file for asedit program (ver. 1.2)
- ! (C) A. Stochniol, 1991 - 1993
- !
- ! English version
- !
- ! Resources are grouped according to the probability of their
- ! changes by the user. For a typical user probably only part 1
- ! is all what is needed. So we recommend to construct the personal
- ! (private) customization file that consists mainly of part 1.
- !
- !
- !
- ! Resources - part 1 (the most likely to be customized by a user).
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! colours for menu_bar ( = all menus & most dialogs), help_dialog
- ! and save_warning, and main text area (i.e. all the rest)
- ! NOTE: colours are done in rgb just in case your colour database is "weird"
- ! (or simply you use the program in your "locale" and the colour
- ! names are completely different)
- *menu_bar*background: Coral
- *help_dialog*background: SandyBrown
- *background: SandyBrown
- *XmText*background: SandyBrown
- ! colours for important warning/error messages
- ! NOTE: colours are done in rgb ... (see above)
- *save_warning*background: sandybrown
- *menu_bar*error_message*background: sandybrown
- !
- ! Fonts .....
- !
- *menu_bar*fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
- *menu_bar*XmText.fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
- *help_dialog*fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
- *save_warning*fontList: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-14-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
- *XmText.fontList: -bitstream-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1
- *bottom_row*fontList: -bitstream-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1
- !
- ! Start up sizes of main text widget and hypertext text widget
- !
- *edit_text.rows: 24
- *edit_text.columns: 80
- *hypertext_text.rows: 20
- *hypertext_text.columns: 60
- ! Setup for local printers/print queues ...
- *print_dialog.listItems: lp \,lp -d hp \,lp -d nechp \,qprt -da -Pps
- ! the following line should contain the count from the above line (number of printers)!!!
- *print_dialog.listItemCount: 4
- *print_dialog.listVisibleItemCount: 3
- ! default start-up Untitled file name ("NoName")
- *noname: NoName
- ! Redefinition of system temporary directory (usually /tmp) is done by
- ! specifying tmpDir resource (uncomment and edit the following line)
- !*tmpDir: /tmp
- ! Redefinition of help directory (set during installation) is done by
- ! specifying helpDir resource (uncomment and edit the following line)
- !*helpDir: /usr/lib/X11
- ! Redefinition of backupFileSuffix (set during installation) is done by
- ! specifying backupFileSuffix resource (uncomment and edit the following line)
- !*backupFileSuffix: .bak
- ! Part 2 - general & visual consistency resources.
- ! ------------------------------------------------
- ! general appearance and behaviour defaults
- !
- *allowShellResize: true
- *borderWidth: 0
- *highlightThickness: 2
- !
- ! display all the toggles even when they are not on
- *visibleWhenOff: true
- !
- ! Specific resources for Motif 1.0.
- ! In Motif 1.0 we have to use the following lines to enable traversal
- ! to take place (these are the default values since Motif 1.1, so for
- ! Motif 1.1, 1.2 you may not specify these if you like)
- !
- *traversalOn: true
- *XmLabel.traversalOn: false
- *XmSeparator.traversalOn: false
- *XmScrolledWindow.XmScrollbar.traversalOn: false
- !
- !
- ! specific defaults for asedit
- !
- ! setting the same visual pleasing margin (8) for all buttons and labels
- ! (for separators the default margin 0 is the appropriate one )
- !
- *XmPushButton.marginWidth: 8
- *XmLabel.marginWidth: 8
- *XmCascadeButton.marginWidth: 8
- ! increase the standard label setting to align them with text widgets
- *XmRowColumn*XmLabel.marginHeight: 4
- ! setting margins in the status row (bottom_row):
- *bottom_row*XmLabel.marginWidth: 3
- ! setting offsets affecting the status row (form_frame_bottom)
- *form_frame_bottom*topOffset: 2
- *form_frame_bottom*bottomOffset: 2
- *form_frame_bottom*leftOffset: 2
- *form_frame_bottom*rightOffset: 2
- !
- ! If you would like to have your personalized appl defaults file I recommend
- ! to copy ONLY the above parts of this file (part 1 might be just enough).
- !
- ! Part 3 - language dependent resources (to preserve consistency
- ! any changes here *should* be reflected in the on-line help file !)
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! Menu bar & all menus resources:
- ! All necessary resources for an international application are specified
- ! here. This includes labels, mnemonics, accelerators and accelerator text.
- ! Note: you may safely add/remove/change accelerators and mnemonics, but
- ! be sure that the acceleratorText changes with accelerator. You may also
- ! change the labelString values (but do NOT remove them).
- !
- ! Menu bar:
- !
- *menu_bar.File.labelString: File
- *menu_bar.File.mnemonic: F
- *menu_bar.Edit.labelString: Edit
- *menu_bar.Edit.mnemonic: E
- *menu_bar.Search.labelString: Search
- *menu_bar.Search.mnemonic: S
- *menu_bar.Help.labelString: Help
- *menu_bar.Help.mnemonic: H
- ! General (standard) labels for buttons in the dialogs
- !
- *OK.labelString: OK
- *Apply.labelString: Apply
- *Cancel.labelString: Cancel
- *Help.labelString: Help
- !
- ! File PullDown menu:
- !
- *File_PullDown.Open.labelString: Open...
- *File_PullDown.Open.mnemonic: O
- *File_PullDown.Open.acceleratorText: F3
- *File_PullDown.Open.accelerator: <Key>F3:
- *File_PullDown.New.labelString: New
- *File_PullDown.New.mnemonic: N
- *File_PullDown.Close.labelString: Close
- *File_PullDown.Close.mnemonic: C
- *File_PullDown.Save.labelString: Save
- *File_PullDown.Save.mnemonic: S
- *File_PullDown.Save.acceleratorText: F2
- *File_PullDown.Save.accelerator: <Key>F2:
- *File_PullDown.Save_As.labelString: Save As...
- *File_PullDown.Save_As.mnemonic: A
- *File_PullDown.Insert.labelString: Insert...
- *File_PullDown.Insert.mnemonic: I
- *File_PullDown.Print.labelString: Print...
- *File_PullDown.Print.mnemonic: P
- *File_PullDown.Exit.labelString: Exit
- *File_PullDown.Exit.mnemonic: x
- *File_PullDown.Exit.acceleratorText: Alt+x
- *File_PullDown.Exit.accelerator: Meta<Key>q:
- !
- ! Edit PullDown menu:
- ! (for hpux (HP Unix) you should define replace in accelerator definitions
- ! Delete by DeleteChar and Insert by InsertChar)
- !
- *Edit_PullDown.Undo.labelString: Undo
- *Edit_PullDown.Undo.mnemonic: U
- *Edit_PullDown.Undo.acceleratorText: Alt+BkSp
- *Edit_PullDown.Undo.accelerator: ~Shift Meta <Key>BackSpace:
- *Edit_PullDown.Redo.labelString: Redo
- *Edit_PullDown.Redo.mnemonic: R
- *Edit_PullDown.Redo.acceleratorText: Shift+Alt+BkSp
- *Edit_PullDown.Redo.accelerator: Shift Meta <Key>BackSpace:
- *Edit_PullDown.Cut.labelString: Cut
- *Edit_PullDown.Cut.mnemonic: t
- *Edit_PullDown.Cut.acceleratorText: Shift+Del
- *Edit_PullDown.Cut.accelerator: Shift<Key>Delete:
- *Edit_PullDown.Copy.labelString: Copy
- *Edit_PullDown.Copy.mnemonic: C
- *Edit_PullDown.Copy.acceleratorText: Ctrl+Ins
- *Edit_PullDown.Copy.accelerator: Ctrl<Key>Insert:
- *Edit_PullDown.Paste.labelString: Paste
- *Edit_PullDown.Paste.mnemonic: P
- *Edit_PullDown.Paste.acceleratorText: Shift+Ins
- *Edit_PullDown.Paste.accelerator: Shift<Key>Insert:
- *Edit_PullDown.Clear.labelString: Clear
- *Edit_PullDown.Clear.mnemonic: e
- *Edit_PullDown.Clear.acceleratorText: Del
- ! the above is a text of pseudo accelerator (we don't need to define
- ! accelerator because the text widget already handles that acttion properly)
- !
- ! Search PullDown menu:
- !
- *Search_PullDown.Find.labelString: Find...
- *Search_PullDown.Find.mnemonic: F
- *Search_PullDown.Find.acceleratorText: ^q^f
- *Search_PullDown.Repeat.labelString: Repeat last Find
- *Search_PullDown.Repeat.mnemonic: R
- *Search_PullDown.Repeat.accelerator: Ctrl<Key>l:
- *Search_PullDown.Repeat.acceleratorText: ^l
- *Search_PullDown.Change.labelString: Change...
- *Search_PullDown.Change.mnemonic: C
- *Search_PullDown.Change.acceleratorText: ^q^a
- *Search_PullDown.Go_to.labelString: Go to line...
- *Search_PullDown.Go_to.mnemonic: G
- *Search_PullDown.Mark.labelString: Bookmark
- *Search_PullDown.Mark.mnemonic: B
- !
- ! Mark PullDown menu:
- !
- *Mark_PullDown.Set.labelString: Set
- *Mark_PullDown.Set.mnemonic: S
- *Mark_PullDown.Go_to.labelString: Go to
- *Mark_PullDown.Go_to.mnemonic: G
- !
- ! Set & Go_to PullDown menu: (only accelerator text)
- !
- *Set_PullDown.0.acceleratorText: ^k^0
- *Set_PullDown.1.acceleratorText: ^k^1
- *Set_PullDown.2.acceleratorText: ^k^2
- *Set_PullDown.3.acceleratorText: ^k^3
- *Set_PullDown.4.acceleratorText: ^k^4
- *Set_PullDown.5.acceleratorText: ^k^5
- *Set_PullDown.6.acceleratorText: ^k^6
- *Set_PullDown.7.acceleratorText: ^k^7
- *Set_PullDown.8.acceleratorText: ^k^8
- *Set_PullDown.9.acceleratorText: ^k^9
- *Go_to_PullDown.0.acceleratorText: ^q^0
- *Go_to_PullDown.1.acceleratorText: ^q^1
- *Go_to_PullDown.2.acceleratorText: ^q^2
- *Go_to_PullDown.3.acceleratorText: ^q^3
- *Go_to_PullDown.4.acceleratorText: ^q^4
- *Go_to_PullDown.5.acceleratorText: ^q^5
- *Go_to_PullDown.6.acceleratorText: ^q^6
- *Go_to_PullDown.7.acceleratorText: ^q^7
- *Go_to_PullDown.8.acceleratorText: ^q^8
- *Go_to_PullDown.9.acceleratorText: ^q^9
- !
- ! Help PullDown menu:
- !
- *Help_PullDown.On_Keys.labelString: On Keys
- *Help_PullDown.On_Keys.mnemonic: K
- *Help_PullDown.Index.labelString: Index
- *Help_PullDown.Index.mnemonic: I
- *Help_PullDown.On_Help.labelString: On Help
- *Help_PullDown.On_Help.mnemonic: H
- *Help_PullDown.About.labelString: About...
- *Help_PullDown.About.mnemonic: A
- !
- ! Dialog resources ......
- *help_dialog.title: asedit - Help
- *help_dialog*Follow.labelString: Follow
- *help_dialog*Back.labelString: Back
- *help_dialog*Index.labelString: Index
- *help_dialog*Close.labelString: Close
- *help_dialog*Help.labelString: Help
- *open_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Load a File
- *open_dialog*fileListLabelString: Files
- *open_dialog*filterLabelString: Filter
- *open_dialog*dirListLabelString: Directories
- *open_dialog*Selection.labelString: Selection
- *open_dialog*applyLabelString: Filter
- *open_dialog*open_view_only.labelString: Open for view only
- ! replace dialog resources
- ! Note: the title for the change_verify_button will be dynamically set
- ! according to the use of the button in "Find" dialog or "Change" dialog
- *replace_dialog.okLabelString: Find & Verify
- *replace_dialog.applyLabelString: Change All
- *replace_dialog.cancelLabelString: Close
- *replace_dialog*text_to_find_title.labelString: Text to Find:
- *replace_dialog*new_text_title.labelString: Change To:
- *replace_dialog*options_title.labelString: Options
- *replace_dialog*case_sensitive.labelString: Case sensitive
- *replace_dialog*whole_words.labelString: Whole words only
- *replace_dialog*direction_title.labelString: Direction
- *replace_dialog*Forward.labelString: Forward
- *replace_dialog*Backward.labelString: Backward
- *change_prompt.dialogTitle: asedit - Change Prompt
- *change_prompt.okLabelString: Change
- *change_prompt.applyLabelString: Skip
- *continue_search_question.dialogTitle: asedit - Search
- *continue_search_question.okLabelString: Yes
- *continue_search_question.cancelLabelString: No
- *search_end_message.dialogTitle: asedit - Change All
- *search_end_message.cancelLabelString: Close
- *go_to_line.dialogTitle: asedit - Go to Line
- *go_to_line.selectionLabelString: Enter new line number:
- !
- ! overwrite question dialog
- *overwrite_question.dialogTitle: asedit - Overwrite ?
- *overwrite_question.okLabelString: Yes
- *overwrite_question.cancelLabelString: Cancel
- ! error message dialog resources (cancel button used to dismiss dialog)
- *error_message.dialogTitle: asedit - Error!
- *error_message.cancelLabelString: OK
- *error_message.messageString: Error message
- *save_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Save As
- *save_dialog.selectionLabelString: Save File As
- *print_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Print
- *print_dialog.listLabelString: Printers
- *print_dialog.selectionLabelString: Print using:
- *print_dialog.okLabelString: Print
- *print_dialog*range_title.labelString: Range
- *print_dialog*selection.labelString: Selected text only
- *print_dialog*complete.labelString: Complete document
- ! NOTE: that part of the print_dialog was set up at the beginning of that file
- *insert_dialog.dialogTitle: asedit - Insert a File
- *insert_dialog*fileListLabelString: Files
- *insert_dialog*filterLabelString: Filter
- *insert_dialog*dirListLabelString: Directories
- *insert_dialog*Selection.labelString: Selection
- *insert_dialog*applyLabelString: Filter
- *save_warning.dialogTitle: asedit - File not Saved!
- *save_warning.okLabelString: Yes
- *save_warning.applyLabelString: No
- *about.dialogTitle: asedit - About
- *about.cancelLabelString: Close
- *bottom_row.line.labelString: Line:
- *bottom_row.column.labelString: Col:
- ! Language specific messages/questions etc....
- !
- ! fm_... file messages ...
- *fm_unable_to_open: Error: unable to open file:\n
- !
- !
- *fm_unable_to_save: Error: unable to save file:\n
- *fm_not_closed: .\nFile not closed!
- *fm_print_failed: Print failed !
- *fm_exit_aborted: .\nExit aborted!
- *fm_not_printed: .\nFile not printed.
- *fm_not_regular: not a regular file.
- *fm_no_selection: Can't print selection. Text not selected!
- *fm_no_printer: Select or specify a printer, please!
- ! fq_... file questions ...
- *fq_overwrite: Overwrite existing file:\n
- *fq_save_changes: Do you want to save changes to
- ! labels for find/change buttons (shared widget)
- *find_label: Find
- *find_next_label: Find Next
- *change_label: Change
- *find_n_verify_label: Find & Verify
- ! titles for find/change dialogs (shared widget)
- *find_dialogTitle: asedit - Find
- *change_dialogTitle: asedit - Change
- ! sm_... search messages ...
- *sm_have_to_enter: You have to enter a string to search for!
- *sm_not_found: Search string not found
- *sm_change_all_completed: Change All has been completed.\nNumber of items changed:
- *sm_line_range: Line number is not within the legal range.\nLegal range is:
- ! sq_... search questions ...
- *sq_change: Change this occurrence ?
- *sq_doc_end: Reached end of document.\nContinue search at beginning ?
- *sq_doc_beg: Reached beginning of document.\nContinue search at end ?
- ! string (character) to be shown for read-only files
- *read_only_marker: R
- ! text used in the ht_help.c (hypertext help)
- *help_err_fopen: Help ERROR. Can't open Help file
- *help_err_finc: Help ERROR. Incorrect Help file
- *help_no_info: SORRY. No help information for this item.
- ! Part 4 - keyboard bindings.
- ! ----------------------------
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! Keyboard bindings (do NOT change unless you really have to do that;
- ! if you change anything there might be inconsistency with the
- ! help file! )
- !
- ! special bindings for hypertext Help widget and Emacs bindings
- *hypertext_text.translations: #override\n\
- <Btn1Down>: move-destination()\n\
- <Btn1Up>(2): activate()\n\
- <Btn2Up>(2): activate()\n\
- <Key>Return: activate()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>b: backward-character()\n\
- Alt <Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Meta <Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Alt <Key>[: backward-paragraph()\n\
- Meta <Key>[: backward-paragraph()\n\
- Alt <Key><: beginning-of-file()\n\
- Meta <Key><: beginning-of-file()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>a: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Alt <Key>>: end-of-file()\n\
- Meta <Key>>: end-of-file()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>e: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl Alt <Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl Meta <Key>f: forward-word()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>f: forward-character()\n\
- Alt <Key>]: forward-paragraph()\n\
- Meta <Key>]: forward-paragraph()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>n: next-line()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>p: previous-line()\n\
- ~Ctrl <Key>osfBeginLine: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfBeginLine: beginning-of-file()\n\
- ~Ctrl <Key>osfEndLine: end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfEndLine: end-of-file()\n\
- ~Ctrl <Key>osfPageDown: next-page()\n\
- ~Ctrl <Key>osfPageUp: previous-page()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfPageDown: end-of-file()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfPageUp: beginning-of-file()\n
- ! Emacs style bindings for the main edit window & some other functional
- ! bindings (Note that Emacs Ctrl-k was redefined to Ctrl-k, Ctrl-k to avoid
- ! clash with setting markers !!!)
- !
- *edit_text.translations: #override\n\
- <Key>Return: newline-and-indent()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>f: asedit-find()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>a: asedit-change()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>0: asedit-mark-set(0)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>1: asedit-mark-set(1)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>2: asedit-mark-set(2)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>3: asedit-mark-set(3)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>4: asedit-mark-set(4)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>5: asedit-mark-set(5)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>6: asedit-mark-set(6)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>7: asedit-mark-set(7)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>8: asedit-mark-set(8)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>k, Ctrl <Key>9: asedit-mark-set(9)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>0: asedit-mark-goto(0)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>1: asedit-mark-goto(1)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>2: asedit-mark-goto(2)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>3: asedit-mark-goto(3)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>4: asedit-mark-goto(4)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>5: asedit-mark-goto(5)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>6: asedit-mark-goto(6)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>7: asedit-mark-goto(7)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>8: asedit-mark-goto(8)\n\
- Ctrl <Key>q, Ctrl <Key>9: asedit-mark-goto(9)\n\
- Meta <Key>h: backward-character()\n\
- Meta <Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>b: backward-word(extend)\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>[: backward-paragraph(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>[: backward-paragraph()\n\
- Meta <Key><: beginning-of-file()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>0: beginning-of-line(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>caret: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Meta <Key>>: end-of-file()\n\
- Meta <Key>dollar: end-of-line(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>w: forward-word()\n\
- Meta <Key>l: forward-character()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>]: forward-paragraph(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>]: forward-paragraph()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>d: kill-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfPageDown: end-of-file()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfPageUp: beginning-of-file()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>h: delete-previous-character()\n\
- Meta <Key>h: delete-previous-character()\n\
- Meta <Key>x: cut-clipboard()\n\
- Meta <Key>c: copy-clipboard()\n\
- Meta <Key>p: paste-clipboard()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>i: insert-string(<i>)\n\
- Alt<Key>i: insert-string(</i>)\n\
- Shift Ctrl<Key>i: insert-string(</i>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: insert-string(<b>)\n\
- Alt<Key>b: insert-string(</b>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: insert-string(<ul>)\n\
- Alt<Key>u: insert-string(</ul>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>o: insert-string(<ol>)\n\
- Alt<Key>o: insert-string(</ol>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>m: insert-string(<menu>)\n\
- Alt<Key>m: insert-string(</menu>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>l: insert-string(<li>)\n\
- Alt<Key>l: insert-string(</li>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: insert-string("<a href=\\"\\">")\n\
- Ctrl<Key>n: insert-string("<a name=\\"\\">")\n\
- Alt<Key>a: insert-string(</a>)\n\
- Alt<Key>n: insert-string(</a>)\n\
- Alt<Key>p: insert-string(<p>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>1: insert-string(<h1>)\n\
- Alt<Key>1: insert-string(</h1>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>2: insert-string(<h2>)\n\
- Alt<Key>2: insert-string(</h2>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>3: insert-string(<h3>)\n\
- Alt<Key>3: insert-string(</h3>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>4: insert-string(<h4>)\n\
- Alt<Key>4: insert-string(</h4>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>5: insert-string(<h5>)\n\
- Alt<Key>5: insert-string(</h5>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>6: insert-string(<h6>)\n\
- Alt<Key>6: insert-string(</h6>)\n\
- Alt<Key>g: insert-string("<img alt=\\"\\" src=\\"\\">")\n\
- Shift Alt<Key>i: insert-string("<inc srv \\"\\">")
- ! Emacs bindings for all other text widgets (to preserve consistency
- ! between different text widgets)
- *XmText.translations: #override\n\
- Meta <Key>h: backward-character()\n\
- Meta <Key>b: backward-word()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>b: backward-word(extend)\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>[: backward-paragraph(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>[: backward-paragraph()\n\
- Meta <Key><: beginning-of-file()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>0: beginning-of-line(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>caret: beginning-of-line()\n\
- Meta <Key>>: end-of-file()\n\
- Meta <Key>dollar: end-of-line(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>w: forward-word()\n\
- Meta <Key>l: forward-character()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>]: forward-paragraph(extend)\n\
- Meta <Key>]: forward-paragraph()\n\
- Shift Meta <Key>d: kill-to-end-of-line()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfPageDown: end-of-file()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>osfPageUp: beginning-of-file()\n\
- Ctrl <Key>h: delete-previous-character()\n\
- Meta <Key>h: delete-previous-character()\n\
- Meta <Key>x: cut-clipboard()\n\
- Meta <Key>c: copy-clipboard()\n\
- Meta <Key>p: paste-clipboard()\n\
- Ctrl<Key>i: insert-string(<i>)\n\
- Alt<Key>i: insert-string(</i>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>b: insert-string(<b>)\n\
- Alt<Key>b: insert-string(</b>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>u: insert-string(<ul>)\n\
- Alt<Key>u: insert-string(</ul>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>o: insert-string(<ol>)\n\
- Alt<Key>o: insert-string(</ol>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>m: insert-string(<menu>)\n\
- Alt<Key>m: insert-string(</menu>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>l: insert-string(<li>)\n\
- Alt<Key>l: insert-string(</li>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>a: insert-string("<a href=\\"\\">")\n\
- Ctrl<Key>n: insert-string("<a name=\\"\\">")\n\
- Alt<Key>a: insert-string(</a>)\n\
- Alt<Key>n: insert-string(</a>)\n\
- Alt<Key>p: insert-string(<p>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>1: insert-string(<h1>)\n\
- Alt<Key>1: insert-string(</h1>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>2: insert-string(<h2>)\n\
- Alt<Key>2: insert-string(</h2>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>3: insert-string(<h3>)\n\
- Alt<Key>3: insert-string(</h3>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>4: insert-string(<h4>)\n\
- Alt<Key>4: insert-string(</h4>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>5: insert-string(<h5>)\n\
- Alt<Key>5: insert-string(</h5>)\n\
- Ctrl<Key>6: insert-string(<h6>)\n\
- Alt<Key>6: insert-string(</h6>)\n\
- Alt<Key>g: insert-string("<img alt=\\"\\" src=\\"\\">")\n\
- Shift Alt<Key>i: insert-string("<inc srv \\"\\">")